Prof. Dr. Suresh Raj Sharma

Prof. Dr. Suresh Raj Sharma

Advisor, Former Vice Chancellor Kathmandu University

I would like to congratulate the Lumbini Academic College family for twelve years of continuous hard work in establishing highly dynamic college. A period of twelve years is no mean achievement to anyone who knows how difficult it is to start and sustain a privately owned academic institution against a backdrop of almost insurmountable financial difficulties. I believe that students are the center and focus of the management’s endeavors. In this fast changing and fast moving world, the students need to be equipped with the relevant skills and knowledge in order to excel on the global stage.

However, as you all celebrate this enormous achievement that your college has registered, you should not lose sight of the fact that you have come a long way and that still have a long way to go. I am immensely happy that the college started MBS program from last academic session with success. Now, that the college is starting BBM (Bachelor of Business Management) and BCA (Bachelor of Computer Application) program in affiliation with Tribhuvan University, the college management should resist the temptation of resting on success. The new academic programs mean new challenges and the management still have a lot to do by way of making the college serve the enormous needs of our country.

Today, I praise the founders of the college for the excellent vision they had when they started. I feel very proud, as advisor of Lumbini Academic College and ensure my support in making this academic institution as a center of excellence.